Wellness unLAOISed: Fridge Safety Tips

Your fridge is a key player in keeping your food safe and delicious, but are you using it correctly? Check out our handy infographic for essential tips to ensure your fridge is running efficiently and keeping your food at its best!

Temperature Check: Keep your fridge at 3°C and your freezer at -18°C.
Organise Smartly: Store raw meat on the bottom shelf to prevent cross-contamination.

Cool It: Let hot food cool before refrigerating to maintain the right temperature.
Don’t Overload: Give your food room to breathe – airflow is crucial!
Label and Date: Use labels to track leftovers and avoid forgotten foods.
Clean Regularly: Wipe down shelves and check for expired items weekly.

Keep these tips in mind to ensure your food stays fresh. Save this post and share it with your friends!

This information was included in the health education workshop delivered to Wellness UnLAOISed participants today. Wellness UnLAOISed is designed and delivered by EduFit in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership and Offaly Sports Partnership and funded by Sport Ireland.

#fridgesafety #foodsafety #healthyliving #kitchentips #wellnessunlaoised

Inside of a refrigerator . top shelf labelled as ready to eat foods. Middle shelf for raw meat, fish and poultry. Bottom shelf for fruits and vegetables.
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