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Funding your sports project

There are a number of funding options available. Please click below to find out more about each option.

Go For Life Grants

Go for LifeOne of the main elements of the Go for Life Programme is the National Grant Scheme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People. The grant scheme is a joint initiative between Go for Life and the Irish Sports Council. It funds groups and clubs who cater for older people around the country so that they can buy equipment, run sports events or try new activities. 

Running since November 2001, each year the initiative allocates money to local groups all over the country, who are seeking to provide increased opportunities for older people to participate in sport and physical activity.

This National Grant Scheme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People is one element of the extensive Go for Life Programme which has resulted from this allocation.

Overall Aim:

The National Grant Scheme aims to assist in the implementation of locally-developed, well-planned initiatives designed to increase participation in recreational sport and physical activity by older people. In particular, the scheme is aimed at:

  • Assisting local clubs/organisations to enhance existing opportunities for their members in recreational sport and physical activity;
  • Assisting local clubs/organisations to initiate new initiatives geared at involving older people in recreational sport and physical activity.


Sports Capital Programme

Department of Transport, Tourism and SportBackground to SCP

The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is operated by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and provides grants to assist in the development of sports facilities and the provision of sports equipment throughout the country.


The Sports Capital Programme is now online in a system called OSCAR (Online Sports Capital Register). OSCAR will allow groups to view previous grants and payments, change contact details, seek payment of a grant and otherwise communicate with the Department online.

This will also be the only way to apply for grants under any future rounds of the Sports Capital Programme. Any organisation that wishes to make any future applications must first register online. Register early to ensure that you can apply under future rounds of the SCP.

When Can I Apply?

See www.sportscapitalprogramme.ie for details on the next round of the programme. 

You Need a Tax Registration Number to Register

A Tax Registration Number (TRN) is required for all organisations wishing to register on OSCAR. The TRN is the unique identifier and user name for logging into the system.

You need written confirmation of the TRN from the Revenue Commissioner prior to completing the registration process either in the form of a tax clearance certificate or a letter from Revenue confirming your TRN. It is not permitted to use the TRN of your national governing body, regional grouping or of a different organisation. If your organisation already has a tax clearance certificate, the TRN is in the top left hand corner of the certificate.

If your organisation is not a limited company and does not currently have a TRN, getting one is simple. You complete the 1 page form ‘Registration Form for voluntary non-profit making organisations’ and return to your local Revenue Office. It should take around 10 working days to get written confirmation of your TRN.

If your organisation is a limited company, the form to be completed is Form TR2. In this case, you should ensure that your company is registered with the Companies Registration Office prior to application for a TRN.

Further information including the contact details for your local Revenue Office is available from Revenue and from the Companies Registration Office.


For more information and to register see www.sportscapitalprogramme.ie

National Lottery Grant Scheme

Under the National Lottery Act (1986), the Department of Health operates a National Lottery Discretionary fund under which we can provide once-off grants to organisations for the provision of health related services.  The fund is aimed at community groups and voluntary organisations operating in Ireland providing health services to specific client groups (like people with an intellectual and/or physical disability), providing information and support for various disabilities and illnesses or groups with a specific interest (like providing equipment for hospitals, for example).

If you have any queries relating to National Lottery funding, please contact the Finance Unit on 01-6354281 or 01-6354019.

Your organisation must have a valid tax clearance certificate or be a registered charity to be eligible for a grant.

HSE National Lottery Grants

The HSE has been allocated National Lottery Funding for distribution to community based groups and voluntary organisations under the following terms:

  1. Respite Care Grant Scheme
  2. National Lottery Grant Scheme

Applications are invited from groups and organisations involved in the provision of Health and Personal Social Services for once off funding for viable projects (non major capital projects) which can be completed within a reasonable period of time.

Healthy Ireland Fund

Healthy Ireland, A Framework for Improved Health and Wellbeing 2013-2025 is the national framework for action to improve the health and wellbeing of Ireland over the coming generation. Pobal administer this fund on behalf of the Department of Health.

In 2016, the Government approved the creation of a Healthy Ireland Fund with an initial allocation of €5 million approved in Budget 2017 to establish and support the implementation of Healthy Ireland programmes and projects in a variety of settings.

The primary aim of the fund is to support innovative, cross-sectoral, evidence-based projects and initiatives that support the implementation of key national policies in areas such as obesity, smoking, alcohol, physical activity and sexual health.

Click here for more Information

Erasmus+ Sport 2025

‘Erasmus+ Sport for Staff in the field of Sport’ supports European partnerships in grassroots sport. Ultimately, the aim is to establish a European network of coaches and sports staff.

The programme aims to provide the staff of sports organisations, primarily at a grassroots level, with the opportunity to improve their competencies and qualifications. Coaches can acquire new skills through learner mobility. This is done by spending time abroad in another Erasmus+ country and bringing back new ideas that contribute to the capacity-building and development of  your sport organisation.

Erasmus+ Sport projects promote:

Participating organisations should actively promote the priorities of Erasmus+ through their activities:

They can do this by using the specific funding opportunities provided by Erasmus+ for these purposes as well as raising awareness among their participants, by sharing best practices, and by choosing an appropriate design for their activities.


See more information here.

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