Go For Life

What is Go For Life (GFL)?

Go for Life is the national programme for sport and physical activity for older people in Ireland.  The aim of the Go For Life programme is to train older adults who are members of a local group i.e. Active Retirement Group, to become Physical Activity Leader (PAL). The programme is coordinated at local level by the HSE Health Promotion Department and the Local Sports Partnerships.

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What is PAL?

PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) lead the delivery of physical activity sessions in their local group e.g. short exercise routines, fun games, simple dances and sports like pitch and toss.

Each PAL attends 8 workshops which cover different Go for Life activities. There are routines and activities to suit everyone with a strong emphasis on participation and fun!

Go For Life Days with Laois Sports Partnership

Laois Sports Partnership’s Go For Life/Older Adult Fun Days consist of a number of activities including:

  • Seated Volleyball
  • Sit Fit Exercises
  • Activator Poles
  • Scooch

Go For Life Days with Laois Sports Partnership

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